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Jonathan and David, a Very Special Friendship보기

Jonathan and David, a Very Special Friendship

16 중 10 일째

Jonathan spoke up for David

“And Jonathan spoke well of David to Saul his father and said to him, ‘Let not the king sin against his servant David, because he has not sinned against you, and because his deeds have brought good to you.’” (1 Samuel 19:4)

We have already read that King Saul was targeting David's life. Over time, he came out openly about it: “Saul spoke to Jonathan his son and to all his servants, that they should kill David” (1 Samuel 19:1). He received no support, however. David had earned a good reputation and many admired him for his military successes as a commander in Saul's army. But it was Jonathan who stood up for David. After all, they were friends! So Jonathan warned David to get to safety, and then he tried to change his father's mind. With success. Saul promised not to harm David

Unfortunately, Saul did not keep his word. He forged new plans to kill David. When Jonathan discovered this and once again stood up for his friend, Saul's anger turned to him. He cursed and criticized Jonathan, even trying to kill him with his spear.

Jonathan stood up for his friend, but it almost cost him his life. Have you ever stood up for someone else? Did that affect you personally?

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묵상 소개

Jonathan and David, a Very Special Friendship

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