Generation to Generation보기

Generation to Generation

6 중 4 일째


A whole book in the Bible is dedicated to this incredible woman, Ruth. There is so much we can all learn from her story.

Ruth can be described in many ways... brave, hardworking, integral, but I think one of the words that best describes the way she lived her life is ‘faithful’.

Ruth is the story about a woman who endured great hardships. Just imagine, a young woman getting married with all the dreams of love and happiness and family. Only to be left heartbroken with her hopes and dreams going up in flames with the death of her husband a few years later.

Being left a widow in the days of Ruth would’ve meant no protection, no provision, and a very bleak and hopeless future. But through it all, despite the hardships life threw at her we see that time after time, Ruth chose faithfulness.

Ruth might’ve lived 1000s of years before us, but she faced so many of the same challenges we face today. She understood the pain of losing a loved one, she understood the challenges of moving and feeling like an outsider in a new culture, she understood the pain of feeling like she was missing out, and she understood financial strain.

But Ruth’s story encourages us that even through the mess, God is bringing about His divine plan.

We see Ruth making deliberate choices all throughout her story, choosing not to focus on the things she can’t control, but to focus on what she can control. To focus on Who she’s going to serve, to focus on her devotion and love to those in her family, to focus on being faithful with the little opportunities that were placed before her.

It was this faithfulness to the little opportunities that God put in front of her that opened doors for her.

Maybe as you’re reading this, your life is looking messy. Maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the things being thrown at you, that are out of your control. Maybe like Ruth, you feel like your hopes and dreams have been taken from you.

Be encouraged today as you read Ruth’s story, that in everything you can’t control, like Ruth, your ability to choose love and faithfulness is always within your control. As you follow her example of faithfulness in what God has placed before you, God sees - and like Ruth it is this faithfulness that can open doors and lead you into all God has for you. Take comfort from Ruth, that even in the seemingly most mundane aspects of our lives, God is bringing about His divine plan.

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묵상 소개

Generation to Generation

There are so many incredible women of faith in the bible, and there is so much wisdom and inspiration that we can glean from their stories. This devotional follows five incredible women who were part of the lineage of Jesus Christ, showing us the faithfulness of God from generation to generation. 💖
