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14 Prayers for a Widow's Journey보기

14 Prayers for a Widow's Journey

14 중 8 일째

...God lightens my darkness...

It’s night, Lord, and as I look outside my lighted room, all I see is black. I know there’s a patio with a large planter out there. I know there’s an oak tree that has finally gotten tall enough and leafy enough to give shade to the patio in the summer.

But all I see is black.

Grief causes me to see life as black, Lord, even though family and friends surround me, even though You are at my side. I know there is light even when all I see is dark. You are light, my light. Brighten my night. Pierce my darkness.

You are my lamp, O Lord, and my God lightens my darkness.

2 Samuel 22:29

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