Jesus With Us: Live Like Jesus, Love Like Jesus보기

Jesus With Us: Live Like Jesus, Love Like Jesus

10 중 9 일째

Reconnect and Reset

Every day, we have the opportunity to take a moment and reset, to make sure we’re on course and doing what we’re supposed to be doing. Pausing to reconnect with God can get us back on track and help us reprioritize how we spend our time. Prayer can be a great opportunity to reflect on our lives, be reminded of our goals, and let God speak to us and guide us.

Even Jesus needed to spend time with His Father on a daily basis. He needed a quiet place where He could be alone. Jesus came out of His prayer time with a renewed purpose and a clear plan. He knew He needed to move on, to go to other towns to spread His Message. It was during Jesus’s early morning prayer times that His Father reminded Him of His Purpose.

If Jesus needed an isolated place to pray, how much more do we need a place and a time to be alone with God? The hustle and bustle of the world hinders our ability to “be still and know.” (See Psalm 46:10, NIV, NLT.) We need some alone time with God so that He can remind us of the purpose for which He has called us.

How would you describe your prayer life? What can you learn from Jesus’s example?

When He knew people were seeking Him, why did Jesus say it was time to move on?

Jesus, help me put aside time every day for You. I know my life is better with You in it. Help me to seek You each day and renew my passion for Your Purpose. In Your Name, Amen.

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Jesus With Us: Live Like Jesus, Love Like Jesus

Jesus calls us to follow Him, and we are all in a different place on that journey. These devotions will guide you along the path to trusting and loving Jesus as you follow His Call. No matter who you are, what you might have done, and where you are along the path, your life can be redeemed in Jesus, and you can share His Love with others.
