After This Comes Judgment.보기

After This Comes Judgment.

3 중 2 일째

Day 2: Judgment for the Believer

If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, it’s time to get happy because judgment for us is different than for those who go their own way.

When we truly believe in Jesus, we have an authentic relationship with God and the Holy Spirit. Christ already paid the penalty for all of our sins on the cross. His blood cleanses us from all unrighteousness, and we are accounted as righteous and holy in God’s eyes because of Jesus.

Therefore, we don’t face any judgment when it comes to our salvation and our eternal home with God. This is huge!!! It’s a fact we should be celebrating all the time!

So what judgment do we as Christians face? We face judgment where God evaluates our works.

Works don’t offer us salvation. That only comes through belief in Jesus. What the works offer us are eternal rewards we can enjoy since we are saved.

God put each of us on this planet for a purpose. He didn’t just make us only to know Him and that’s it. Otherwise He would have taken us home the moment we chose to believe in Him. He also made us to do good works. These good works come in many millions of different flavors, but what they all have in common is they glorify God and love on people by leading them closer to Him.

We get judged based on what we choose to do with the time, talent, and resources God has given us to expand His kingdom. Some believers will unfortunately waste the blessings God has given them. It is easy to get distracted with our own desires and interests and ignore God’s. But if we are wise, we will spend our time and energy on things that have eternal value. God will test our works, and only the things done for Him will remain. We will be rewarded based on that.

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After This Comes Judgment.

God’s grace and mercy are amazing and often talked about, but just as real is God’s judgment. God’s judgment is righteous, and it is good. It is a blessing just like every other one of God’s qualities. There is a judgment day coming for us all. The only question that remains is how prepared we will be.
