Pray: 14 Daily Moments to Quiet Your Mind & Center Your Soul보기

Pray: 14 Daily Moments to Quiet Your Mind & Center Your Soul

14 중 3 일째

Do you feel tired from the pursuit of perfection? Maybe you feel it from other relationships, or maybe you put that pressure on yourself. But being perfect is impossible. No one can be the perfect friend, the perfect partner, or the perfect person. And as we ourselves cannot be perfect, we cannot expect perfection from others. Even the people who are closest to us will sometimes hurt us. The good news is that God is not expecting perfection from you; He just wants you to try your best. Open yourself to God's love and pour out all that is weighing heavy on your heart.

Take a minute to unwind. Look for an enjoyable place and position that will allow you to relax. Now, focus on your time with God. Allow your mind to think about and be drawn to the throne of the Lord and to be filled with His Word.

God is always present, and He is listening to you. Come before Him and ask Him for the strength to choose love over grudges. Ask God for help to let go of the hurt from all past deeds that were done against you. Ask the Holy Spirit to empower you to love others the way Jesus loves you. Choose, right this moment, to reach out to God.

God's Word tells us that love overcomes offenses. An "offense" is something that harms us. To "cover" an offense does not mean to pretend it didn't happen; rather, it means to choose to let go of the hurt and to love the person instead. It allows love to be greater.


God, I praise You because Your love never fails and it covers all my transgressions. I adore You because You are good, You are kind, and Your mercies endure forever. I praise You for Your endless grace. I worship You because You are great. There is no one else like You. God, I confess that I am not perfect. You already know my weaknesses, and You still love me. God, please forgive me for letting my shortcomings affect my relationships. Please bring healing and restoration to these areas. Lord, thank You for helping me through all my struggles and for forgiving me when I make the wrong choices. Thank You for choosing to love me instead of holding my mistakes against me. Holy Spirit, thank You for loving me in spite of all the times I've hurt You. God, thank You for setting the ultimate example of love and forgiveness. Lord, help me to be a person who reconciles. Instead of constantly bringing up past offenses and mentioning the wrongs done to me, help me to love people. Please help me to choose to allow love to be greater than the hurt. Give me the courage to choose love as You first loved me. Amen.

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Pray: 14 Daily Moments to Quiet Your Mind & Center Your Soul

As you reflect on Scripture, you'll find the words you've been looking for and enjoy a time of conversation and meditation with the Lord. Pray aims to provide readers with peace, rest, and renewed hope.
