Biblical Success - Running Our Race With Our Helper's Gifts보기

Biblical Success - Running Our Race With Our Helper's Gifts

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It is a promise to every believer that the Holy Spirit seals our relationship with the Father in the Son and will come live in us as our Helper (Paraclete) and guide. As He lives in us He will help us learn to activate the unique blend of natural talents and abilities Father gives us in His design along with one or more “spiritual gifts” that He selects for us. First Corinthians 12:7 tells us that The Holy Spirit selects and distributes His gifts to each of us.

In the Word, we are urged to be “filled with the Spirit” rather than drunk with wine! (Ephesians 5:18). To be filled with, or baptized in the Spirit, means to live a Spirit-guided, Christ-centered life of eternal purpose and significance and to bear fruit. Father wants nothing less for or from us. (John15:8)

Jesus was “filled with the Spirit just as He entered the desert to be tested by the devil. (Luke 4:1) Peter and the rest of the disciples were “filled with the Spirit” just after Jesus returned to heaven on the Day of Pentecost when they were used to start the Church. (Acts 2:1-4) They needed to be filled with The Helper for the challenges of being used to spread the gospel and so do we.

We can sharpen the use and application of our gifts and more fully develop them through consistent study, prayer, and practice. God’s Word speaks of believers whose senses are exercised or sharpened to discern both good and evil by “reason of use.”(Hebrews 5:14) Almost like an athletic ability or musical talent is developed, focus on our ability to apply a spiritual gift increases with practice. But nothing helps more than growing in intimacy with Jesus and His Word coupled with obedience. intentionality and practice over time. We can engage God’s power as He always rewards faithfulness.

So, what is the gift or mix of gifts that you have been given by The Helper? He wants you to know and He longs for you to use them fruitfully. The best way to learn what they are is to begin with prayer asking Him to help you learn more about the gifts He has given You. Use a concordance and dig into scripture asking Him to speak to your heart.

Google “Spiritual Gifts” and ask Him if any of the many diagnostic tools listed might help you. Ask someone that you know whose life seems to demonstrate spiritual maturity and healthy ministry activity to talk with you. Ask the helper to “guide you into all truth” (John 16:13)

What might we expect if we started each morning in our time with our Helper asking Him, “Dearest Holy Spirit, One with the Father and the Son, open God’s Word and fill me today, lead me in Father’s will, and help me lift up Jesus by what I think, say, and do to bear fruit through my life in this day. Help me to know and use the gifts that You have chosen for me to glorify the Lord. I pray in Jesus’ Name.” Think of the possibilities. This can and will change your life forever!

We will never know the results of decisions that we don’t make and there is no better decision we can make than to get to know our Helper really, really well. Go on, go for it! You know you want to! He’s waiting for you!


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Biblical Success - Running Our Race With Our Helper's Gifts

This will be a general and scriptural study focusing on the gifts of the Spirit that are given to Christ-followers to help us as we run The Race Set Before Us as mentioned in Hebrews 12:1. It is scriptural without being doctrinaire and offered to encourage a deeper walk and provide a basis for continuing study.
