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I Am: Proverbs 31 Woman보기

I Am: Proverbs 31 Woman

24 중 9 일째

Hard work is a virtue that brings about fulfillment and blessings. Our diligence and willingness to put in the effort allow us to provide for our families and contribute to their well-being.

As women, we can create a nurturing and loving environment by preparing nourishing meals for our loved ones or working and picking up dinner on the way home from our busy day. You do not have to be pressured into a stereotype, seek God and let him direct your steps.

Let us embrace hard work with joy and enthusiasm, knowing that our efforts profoundly impact those we love. By working diligently, we become a source of strength, love, and guidance for our families.

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묵상 소개

I Am: Proverbs 31 Woman

Uncover hidden treasures in Proverbs 31, empowering you as a strong, virtuous woman. This transformative reading plan reveals your potential and guides you on a life-changing adventure. Embrace your identity, see yoursel...


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