I Am: Proverbs 31 Woman보기

I Am: Proverbs 31 Woman

24 중 23 일째

In a world obsessed with superficial beauty and temporary favor, a woman of virtue understands the eternal value of fearing the Lord.

True beauty radiates from a heart that is aligned with God's will. It is the beauty of character, kindness, and humility. The fear of the Lord, reverence for His ways, and a deep-rooted faith become the foundation upon which her life is built.

May we prioritize cultivating inner beauty, seeking to honor God above all else? Let us embrace the praise from a life devoted to pleasing Him and serving others. As we walk in the fear of the Lord, we become women of lasting impact, leaving a legacy of faith and righteousness.

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묵상 소개

I Am: Proverbs 31 Woman

Uncover hidden treasures in Proverbs 31, empowering you as a strong, virtuous woman. This transformative reading plan reveals your potential and guides you on a life-changing adventure. Embrace your identity, see yoursel...


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