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Table of Context

28 중 19 일째

Have you ever tried to walk in the dark with absolutely no light? If you’ve ever done that, you know it’s hard to find your way, and you will probably bump into a few things.

This is how I sometimes feel when I’m not consistently engaging with the Bible. I feel lost with no way of knowing what the right way is to go in my life or what decisions I’m supposed to make. But when I consistently read my Bible, I find wisdom that helps guide my life and decisions. My path has been illuminated when I open and engage with my Bible. The authors of Scripture were inspired by God and their written words have given us wisdom to live by. But, we can only know what God’s Word has to say when we read our Bible and invite God to speak to us through His Word.

Today, I encourage you to open your Bible and read it. Ask God to help you gain wisdom from the pages you can apply to your life. Allow God’s Word to light your path so you can walk courageously in the plans God has for you.

Written by Emma, age 18, from Coweta, Oklahoma, USA

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Table of Context

For many, the Bible just seems to cause more confusion than clarity. As a teenager, you’re already in a phase of asking questions, expressing doubts, and wrestling with the idea of faith. So, how can you begin to make sense of the Bible and its context? This 4-week devotional will help you understand how the ancient words of the Bible connect to your modern, everyday life.
