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Not Made to Be Alone보기

Not Made to Be Alone

7 중 6 일째

What did we learn this week?

  1. Based on Genesis 1:27, in whose image are we created? What does this mean in terms of our relationship with God? How should this impact the way we treat others?
  2. How does loving God and obeying His Word impact our relationship with Him, based on John 14:15–23?
  3. If we want to have lives that bear much fruit, what must we do, according to John 15:1–5?
  4. What promise do we find in Deuteronomy 31:6? How should this promise impact our lives? Because of the promise, how are we to live?
  5. Based on Isaiah 41:13, we don’t need to live in fear. What comfort do you find in this verse? How does it show that we are made for community with God?
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묵상 소개

Not Made to Be Alone

We might feel isolated and lonely sometimes, but we don’t have to live that way. In this study, we will learn what a biblical community looks like and how to cultivate it in our lives. There is life beyond loneliness. Jo...


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