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Be Still

22 중 16 일째

It’s Not the Same for Everyone

Author: Zack Harris

Jeremiah 33:3—Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.

Throughout the entire Bible, God speaks to people in various ways. Sometimes He speaks directly to the person, and sometimes He speaks in a seemingly strange way that has a specific significance to the person. Hosea and others were given direct words from God, whereas with Balaam (Numbers 22), God spoke through a donkey.

The same applies to us. God will speak, but not always in the same or expected way. He won’t necessarily speak to us the way He speaks to others, and He won’t necessarily speak to us the same way every time. He won’t necessarily speak to us in every manner. He won’t necessarily speak to us when we expect or want Him to. His words come at different times and for various reasons. Much like how an in-person chat with someone will help us one day, a text message on another day might have just as much of an impact, if not more. Context is key.

It’s worth noting that before He speaks, we must first ask, then listen, or merely listen in the first place. Not every conversation (prayer) has to start with you! Regardless of order, whatever it is that you need, be it answers or actions, always be ready to listen. Desire to listen!

I could easily tell you to take a moment out of your day and have private God time, and as you pray, that’s when He will speak. Again, that’s not always the case. He can and will speak in those moments for sure, but personal experience tells me that He’s gonna speak when the time is right, even if it’s not right in our minds. Patience is key.

Like how God directly spoke to many in the Bible, He can talk directly to us. Now, this is definitely the broadest and most diverse way He speaks, so don’t expect it to come about the same way for you or anyone else. For some, He will speak to them audibly: they can hear His voice in their ears or mind. To others, He gives little bits of wisdom that pop up like you just read something. Others still, He gives visions and dreams: mental pictures or scenes.

Of course, God speaks to us through the Bible as well. Like 2 Timothy 3:16 (ESV) says, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.” It is an invaluable resource for wisdom and guidance. In fact, the Bible is a great way to find confirmation on whether or not what you heard was from God. If a dream tells you to “hate your neighbor,” Scripture can be opened up and show you otherwise (Matthew 22:34-39).

God can speak through others too. Advice from a trusted person in your life can be just as from God as a direct word. God could have inspired them to tell you something, or they know of a relevant Bible verse/passage. Their wisdom or life experience can be precisely what you need to proceed (or not proceed) with something. The person’s presence in the room could just be a simple way for God to comfort you, physically or emotionally. Actions speak just like words.

God’s voice isn’t restricted to the “normal” ways listed above either (Balaam’s Donkey). At the time of writing, within a few months, God spoke to me through three different songs at three different times. Lyrics in those songs (none specifically spiritual) jumped out in my mind and gave me specific insight into current situations or much-needed comfort. Someone I know was given peace in a very troubling year by the words on an agricultural billboard. Another was in a catastrophic accident when they finally heard Him. God can use anything He needs to reach us. He knows the best time and way to reveal something, even if it’s unwelcome by human standards.

We all have desires and imaginations, though. How do we know which words come from God and which words are our own wishful thinking? That can be difficult to determine sometimes. Like above, anything that comes to you and doesn’t align with Scripture is not from God. He won’t tell you to leave your family for that cute girl from work (1 Timothy 5:8). Continuous, specific prayer is your other best alternative. If you are unsure about something you think is from God, keep praying; ask if it’s truly from Him. He will let you know in some way. Again, patience is key.

You have to be honest, too. Sometimes God will tell you something you don’t want to hear. You have to come to terms with it before you can really listen. In those quiet (and not-so-quiet) moments of listening, He will give you what you need to get through. Even after the unwanted words, He will comfort you with more.

Listen to God patiently and obediently, regardless of how He chooses to deliver His message. Do what He says. He may not give you every answer or solve every problem the way you want, but He will always listen and give you what you need. He will speak, and it will be done.


1. In what ways has God spoken to you?

2. Were you honest and accepting when God told you something you didn’t want to hear?

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묵상 소개

Be Still

God alone is our refuge. When the foundations around us are shaken, He is the shelter we run to. God alone can bring peace in the chaos, joy in the sorrow, and hope in the darkness. All we need to do is be still and know.
