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Alpha & Omega보기

Alpha & Omega

14 중 4 일째

Observe & Interpret

1. Read: Revelation 6:1-17. Summarize this passage in your own words.

2. Why is Jesus the One who breaks the seals (cf. Revelation 5)? What qualifies Him to do so?

3. Read Matthew 24:1-28. What is the nature and the purpose of the Great Tribulation period described by Jesus?

4. What does the response of humanity to the judgments of the sixth seal reveal about their hearts?

5. Do you think it is appropriate for Christians to ask God to judge those who oppose His plans (6:9-11)? How does that fit with the idea that Christians are called to love others as Jesus does?


1. If the Rapture and the Tribulation period are imminent, that should motivate us to share the gospel. Write down the names of one or two people you know who need to know Jesus.

2. How can you start a spiritual conversation this week with somebody who doesn’t yet know Him? Spend some time in prayer, asking for wisdom and courage.

3. Prayerfully determine the main biblical truth or principle that God revealed to you during your study. A few questions to ask are: Is there a promise for me to claim? Is there a truth for me to believe? Is there a command for me to obey?

4. Memorize: Revelation 6:10b “How long, O Lord, holy and true, will You refrain from judging and avenging our blood on those who dwell on the earth?”

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묵상 소개

Alpha & Omega

The Revelation of Jesus Christ is a book about what will happen in the future; but perhaps more importantly, it’s a book about who controls the future. More than sixty years after Jesus rose from the dead, He appears onc...


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