Draw Close: 21 Days to Know God보기

Draw Close: 21 Days to Know God

21 중 15 일째

“Here’s what I want you to do: Find a quiet, secluded place so you won’t be tempted to role-play before God. Just be there as simply and honestly as you can manage. The focus will shift from you to God, and you will begin to sense his grace.” Matthew 6:6 MSG

There is so much to unpack in these words of Jesus about prayer.

The first thing I notice is to pray away.

Away from distractions. Your phone. Your laptop. Netflix. AWAY.

Why is that important? Prayer is not something you can multitask. Actually, none of us can truly multi-task as we only end up splitting our attention so to try to do something else and pray is not giving God your full attention. We want his full attention (and He is ready to give it to us!) so let’s give him ours.

He also wants us to pray aware. Aware of our tendency to not be real. Our tendency to want to put a spin on our anger, our unforgiveness, our jealousy. Our tendency to try to hide from Him our pain, disappointment, our questions, our doubt.

Here’s the result when we pray away and remain aware; we will be praying above. Above our circumstances, above our doubt and anger, and every struggle we will begin to see our Father who is above it all. Bigger than it all. Faithful through it all. And loving us above what we deserve, lavishing grace upon grace.

Today find your place, your time to pray.

Away. Aware. Above.

He is eager to hear your voice.

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묵상 소개

Draw Close: 21 Days to Know God

A life with God can make your whole life different, and that’s what these 21 days are — an invitation into nearness to God. A journey to fuel your faith, your hope, and your desire as you draw close to Him through prayer...


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