Daily Bible Reading, January 2023 - God’s Saving Word: Unity in Christ Jesus보기

Daily Bible Reading, January 2023 - God’s Saving Word: Unity in Christ Jesus

31 중 20 일째

January 20


Jesus takes Peter, James, and John up to a high mountain where he is transfigured or visibly glorified. The disciples witness Jesus speaking with Moses and Elijah. When they descend from the mountain, Jesus heals a boy with a demon. Jesus speaks a second time about his impending death, and the reading concludes with Jesus’s teaching on payment of the Temple tax.

Scripture Reading

Matthew 17:1-23

Today’s Key Verse: Matthew 17:5b

A voice from the cloud said, “This is my own dear Son, with whom I am pleased—listen to him!”


Moses and Elijah are considered to be two of Israel’s most important leaders who called upon God’s people to live a new way of life. In today’s reading, they represent the two main sections of the Hebrew Scriptures—Moses represents the Law and Elijah represents the Prophets. Jesus’s encounter with them indicates that Jesus is the fulfillment of the Hebrew Scriptures. How did the disciples react to what they had witnessed? What were they told to do? In what ways do you listen for Jesus’s voice or experience encounters with him?


Lord Jesus, teach me to heed your voice and listen to you. May my words and deeds reflect your love and give glory to you. Amen.

Tomorrow’s Reading

Matthew 18:1-14: Jesus is questioned about who is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven.

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Daily Bible Reading, January 2023 - God’s Saving Word: Unity in Christ Jesus

Daily Bible Reading is designed to facilitate consistent interaction with Scripture. It includes background information on each day’s Scripture passage, key verses for meditation, reflection questions to help you dive de...


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