Navigating Uncertainty보기

Navigating Uncertainty

16 중 6 일째

He turns suffering around.

Not only is God NOT the author of suffering, but He intervenes when we suffer. If we allow Him to, He will turn our suffering into something good: either we will grow stronger, or we will learn to appreciate those who help us through, or we will learn to trust Him, or there will be some other benefit.

This is not an easy truth to accept. Sometimes it feels as though the suffering will never end and that nothing good will come of it! The cross is at the heart of our faith - an instrument of execution and extreme suffering, but the cross is empty - Christ has risen! He knows how to turn the most devastating events (Good Friday) into the most incredible victories (Easter Sunday).

Our inspiration should be like the oyster. The oyster suffers when a sharp grain of sand wedges itself into the soft fleshy folds of the oyster's inner flesh. The oyster patiently coats the sand with layer upon layer of milky translucent material and, from the problem, produces a pearl. The heart of every pearl is a problem turned into something good. God can help us coat our problems with His grace and love to produce something wonderful in us.

Next time you face a difficult situation, remember Tony Campolo's words: "It may be Friday, but Sunday's coming!''

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묵상 소개

Navigating Uncertainty

During and after the Pandemic, we have found ourselves in uncertain waters. Familiar landmarks are gone, the surroundings have changed, and everything we thought would never change has had to change. How do we cope with all this uncertainty? These 16 devotions offer a couple of perspectives.
