Navigating Uncertainty보기

Navigating Uncertainty

16 중 15 일째


Have you ever heard the illustration of the "elephant in the sitting room?" Imagine a group of people in the sitting room trying to ignore the elephant in their midst, talking about the weather or the cricket all the time, twisting or bending to talk around or under the elephant!

For many Christians suffering is the "elephant in the sitting room." They are afraid to talk about or face it because their picture of Christ and faith is a "fair weather Christianity."

Not so with Paul. He is not afraid to talk about suffering. He is clear in his mind that suffering does not negate or disprove the gospel. Suffering highlights the strength of the Christian message!

When we are not surprised by suffering or fearful that its presence implies Christ's absence, suffering produces perseverance, character, and hope. This is not a linear process, but a circular upward spiral as hope takes us to new levels of perseverance and character. More than that! We are not left alone in our suffering. God has poured (the Greek implies "lavished") His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit He gave us.

Christianity doesn't try to ignore or explain away suffering. Suffering does not threaten the validity of faith. During pain and loss, we can know a love completely independent of our circumstances!

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Navigating Uncertainty

During and after the Pandemic, we have found ourselves in uncertain waters. Familiar landmarks are gone, the surroundings have changed, and everything we thought would never change has had to change. How do we cope with all this uncertainty? These 16 devotions offer a couple of perspectives.
