The Good Life보기

The Good Life

20 중 3 일째

Abigail’s husband, Nabal, was being stingy. David and his men had protected Nabal’s shepherds and his sheep. It was sheep-shearing time, a time for a huge celebration, and David asked Nabal to let him and his men have some food and drink for the celebration. Nabal didn’t just say no; his no was so insultingly rude that David and his men strapped on their swords and came to kill him. That’s when Abigail stepped in. She found out what was going on, loaded up donkeys with food and wine, and headed toward David and his men. When Abigail’s path intercepted theirs, her gift and her humility cooled David’s temper, and he stopped his pursuit. Abigail used food and drink to bring peace. She used things to usher in some of God’s Kingdom. We can do the same with the stuff God has entrusted us with. Home-cooked and home-delivered food can reduce the anxiety of a new mom. Adding a bouncy ball to your shopping cart for the young neighbor kid can usher in tremendous joy. God’s Kingdom is made up of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, and goodness. Look at what you have and ask: How can I use what I have today to spread more of God’s Kingdom? Stuff is not just stuff when we use it to spread God’s love.

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묵상 소개

The Good Life

We all want something bigger and deeper than us, and that’s often where things and stuff come in—we’re trying to fill that longing. Having possessions and stuff isn’t bad, but does it satisfy? Let's take a deeper look at...


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