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Life Of Integrity

30 중 8 일째

"David's Waiting with the Lord"

No one likes to wait. Whether it’s waiting on hold with your insurance company or waiting for God’s plan to unfold, life can seem like one big waiting game. In our waiting, we can: 

  1. “Check out” (scrolling through our phone completely disengaged from what’s around us), 
  2. Grow so discouraged that we become bitter or, 
  3. Take the opportunity to be productive. God is a good Father and He allows seasons of waiting. It exposes what is truly in our hearts, it uncovers motives and if we allow it, refines and shapes our character.

David writes Psalm 27:14 while in hiding from the jealous King Saul. David is in a season of waiting. Prophet Samuel has already anointed him to be the next king, but here he finds himself hiding for his life! He has a choice on how he will respond and he decides to encourage himself to “Be strong and take heart and WAIT FOR THE LORD.”

The Hebrew word for “wait” is “Qavah” (Kaw-vaw’) which means: “to bind together (perhaps by twisting).” David understood that in his waiting he needed to take action to bind himself to God. This word “wait” is an action! It is not passive or checked out, but instead is productive and active.

It’s not a matter of “if” we will have a season of waiting; it’s more “when” it will happen. Just like David, we can wait on the Lord by encouraging ourselves to bind our heart, our thoughts and actions to God. We can actively step closer to Him, dig into His word, meditate, and pray and be found waiting well.

How do you usually wait? Do you check out and disengage or do you step closer to God? Isaiah 40:31 gives us a great picture of what happens when we wait well with the Lord. Meditate on this verse today.

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Life Of Integrity

Character and integrity are qualities that we most want in our bosses, leaders and spouses. However, are we cultivating character and integrity in our own lives? These are hard fought for qualities and ones that come through much pain and humility. Fortunately, God’s word provides us with wonderful accounts of what integrity looks like and what it doesn’t’ look like. We can look at these wonderful examples to help guide us towards Godly character. Allow these 30 devotionals to sharpen and inspire you towards Godly character and integrity.
