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Before The Wrath보기

Before The Wrath

5 중 3 일째

What’s the Point of Prophecy


Can we prove God exists? There are a number of sources that provide overwhelming proof of the existence of God. Archaeological discoveries, anthropological findings, scientific evidence, and even philosophical arguments all point to proof that the God of the universe is real and living. But there is another major indicator we have that provides undeniable evidence to validate the presence of God—fulfilled prophecy.

The Bible reveals numerous prophecies from God that were written hundreds of years before they came to pass. These events and claims have already occurred and can be documented in history, both from a biblical and secular standpoint. There are still other prophecies recorded in Scripture that have yet to come to pass but which contain incredible details about events that will happen in the future.

Approximately one third of the Bible contains prophecy, so it’s clear God has an extremely high view of prophecy. Yet despite this, there are fewer and fewer churches today preaching on biblical prophecy. With a decline in teaching from the pulpit, there are a continuously growing number of believers who are illiterate around the subject of prophecy. With different kinds of media available to us like never before, projects like BEFORE THE WRATH can bring these subjects to light and have a profound impact on showing how biblical prophecy can benefit us today.


  1. What role does prophecy play in providing proof that God exists? How familiar are you with the prophecies found in Scripture?
  2. Why do you think pastors are becoming more hesitant to preach on biblical prophecy? What are the implications of this?
  3. How does knowing evidence that proves God exists encourage you in your faith? How does it encourage you to share your faith with others?
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묵상 소개

Before The Wrath

Bible scholars continue to debate the timing of the Rapture, but why is such a mysterious event prophesied to happen in the first place? Is there a deeper understanding surrounding this occurrence that we've lost over th...


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