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God’s Life-Giving Word of Discipleship보기

God’s Life-Giving Word of Discipleship

31 중 15 일째


January 15


After instructing his disciples, Jesus continues to teach and preach in different towns, and his ministry begins to attract much attention. While in prison, John the Baptist sends messengers to inquire about Jesus. Jesus then speaks to the crowds about John.

Today’s Key Scripture: Matthew 11:6

[Jesus said:] “How happy are those who have no doubts about me!”

Today’s Reading 

Matthew 11:1-19


Reread verses 2 and 3. The Jewish people believed that God would choose and give power to a leader who would renew the faith of the people and fulfill God’s purposes for them. What did John’s messengers ask? How did Jesus respond? Reread verses 4-6. What is the Good News that Jesus talks about? Who are the messengers of the Good News today?


Lord Jesus, you bring the Good News of healing and hope to all who are in need. Empower me to proclaim your message of love and salvation and to serve the sick, the poor, and all who are in despair. I place my hope and trust in you. Amen.

Prayer Concern

Prison chaplains

Tomorrow’s Reading

Matthew 11:20-30: Jesus reproaches the unbelieving towns.

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묵상 소개

God’s Life-Giving Word of Discipleship

Daily Bible Reading is designed to facilitate consistent interaction with Scripture. It includes background information on each day’s Scripture passage and key verse for meditation, reflection questions to help you dive ...


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