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Journey To Bethlehem보기

Journey To Bethlehem

26 중 9 일째

Announced by the Angel

P r a y :

Gracious father, I praise You for

Your unfailing love and for

inviting me to spend this time

with You.

R e f l e c t :

How did Mary feel when she

heard this momentous


A p p l y :

How do you react when God calls

you to a surprising or frightening

task? What can you learn from


P r a y :

Lord Jesus, give me the faith and

trust to follow where You lead

me and do what You ask of me.

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묵상 소개

Journey To Bethlehem

The Essential Journey to Bethlehem provides you with one short scripture reading each day followed by a reflection question or two designed to help you see how God promised the world a Savior and then kept that promise. ...


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