Journey To Bethlehem보기

Journey To Bethlehem

26 중 19 일째

The Return to Nazareth

P r a y :

Heavenly Father, I praise You for

the great wonder that I should be

called one of Your children (1

John 3:1).

R e f l e c t :

What was significant about Jesus

growing up in Nazareth?

A p p l y :

Recall how God worked in your

childhood to make you the

person you are. Thank him for

that and for the specific people


P r a y :

Thank You, Lord, for all those

who love me and have helped

make me the person I am in You.

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Journey To Bethlehem

The Essential Journey to Bethlehem provides you with one short scripture reading each day followed by a reflection question or two designed to help you see how God promised the world a Savior and then kept that promise. Join us on the journey from Old Testament prophecies about Christ's birth to the blessed stable in Bethlehem where he was born.
