Deeper Intimacy With God Through Prayer보기

Deeper Intimacy With God Through Prayer

12 중 1 일째

Day 1: Seek the Lord 

“The thirst for the invisible God, though, for contact with the unseen, the hunger for love from a cosmic Parent who can somehow fashion meaning from this scrambled world, defiantly persists.” (Philip Yancey)

Lord God, I seek You with all my heart and soul. I glory in Your holy name. My heart rejoices in You. I’m seeking just one thing—let me dwell in Your presence all my life, let me gaze on Your beauty!

My heart hears You say, “Come talk with Me” . . . oh, Lord, here I come!

Thank You for Your love—it is evident to those who love You. I cling to Your promise that I will find You if I seek You.


묵상 소개

Deeper Intimacy With God Through Prayer

Do you long to move closer to God through Christ Jesus, ever toward the abiding Jesus spoke of in John 15? Prayer is the pathway! God is there, He cares, and He listens and responds to our prayers. This 12-day Bible read...


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