5 Days Of Prophecy And Our World보기

5 Days Of Prophecy And Our World

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The age-old question that men of every era have asked and have fought to seek the answer to is, “What happens when you die?” The Bible does not leave us with speculation. It does not leave us with guesswork. There is a clear, definitive statement by the Creator about death and the afterlife. Luke 16 summarizes it for us. Death is merely a conjunction; it’s not a conclusion. 

When a person dies, they go into an eternal state in one of two locations. They either go to be with the Lord because they possess eternal life, or they go to a place of eternal separation from God because they do not have eternal life and are trapped in their sin. 

The Bible calls these two locations heaven and hell. While it might be difficult to accept because we don’t want to face and deal with it, we’d better acknowledge and deal with it because it is inevitable for all mankind. 

What a person does with Christ will determine their eternal state. We find Lazarus going to Abraham’s bosom in paradise, where he’s enjoying the presence of God and all that that presence has to offer. We also find the rich man lifting up his eyes in torment, trapped in his sinful nature, unable to be satisfied or to escape. 

Everyone will live forever, but it is an option where you live forever. God has offered salvation to all men and gives it to those who believe. And so, since there is a choice about forever, and God makes it clear that you will die and that after death comes something else called the judgment, then you choose where you want to spend eternity. But let’s make it clear; you will spend eternity somewhere.  

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5 Days Of Prophecy And Our World

God is a God of hope; He wants believers to look forward to an everlasting life with Him. To prepare our minds and hearts, He has filled Scripture with prophecy that point to Jesus Christ. Tony Evans invites you to journey with him through the prophecies of the Bible.
