Study, Obey, Teach - Ezra 7:10보기

Study, Obey, Teach - Ezra 7:10

4 중 2 일째

In 2016, Lifeway Research published a study of American Christian views on Bible Reading. It found that 70% of U.S. believers rarely systematically read or study Scripture. Most of us, according to the study, pick and choose a verse at a time, return to a favorite passage, or simply flip the Bible open and read where our eyes land. We treat the sixty-six-course living Bread of God like a Chinese buffet.

The Bible is a literary work meant to be read in its entirety. Imagine the confusion of reading a favorite novel the same way most of us treat the Bible.

Meaningful Bible study begins with prayer. Prayer is the incense that prepares our hearts to receive the Word of God. Pray that the Holy Spirit reveals God's Word to your mind, that your heart receives it, and that your body obeys it.

As you read the passage, ask yourself these three questions:  

  • What was the Holy Spirit saying to the primary audience it was written to?  
  • What is the Holy Spirit teaching me now?  
  • How can I apply it?

Next, spend some time intentionally meditating on a passage that stood out in your study. Think about it throughout the day. Hide it in your heart and memorize it.

Additionally, read what others have written about that passage. Many Bible scholars like Matthew Henry, James Strong, Dr. J. Vernon Mcgee, and Dr. Thomas Constable attempted to climb the heights of Scripture. They, and others like them, recorded what they saw so that you might stand on their shoulders and read what the Holy Spirit revealed to them.

We must study God's word every day. 

The Law of God is like a mirror; it reveals our flaws and failures. 

The longer we neglect His Word, the further our hearts drift away from God. This happened to Israel, and they disobeyed God's command to be a people set apart from the rest of the nations. When Ezra heard of it, he was immediately heart-broken and felt a personal responsibility for Israel's sin. He knew that Israel's repentance and obedience were necessary for revival and restoration.

Challenge: As you read today's Scripture ask yourself these three questions: 

  • What did it mean to them? 
  • What is the Spirit teaching me? 
  • How can I apply it?
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묵상 소개

Study, Obey, Teach - Ezra 7:10

How do you study the Bible? How do you apply the Word of God to your life? How do you inspire others to do the same? Over the next four days, we will take a look at Ezra the scribe whose dedication to study, obey, and teach the Revelation of God ignited revival in Jerusalem.
