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The Pound For Pound Principle보기

The Pound For Pound Principle

14 중 13 일째

The Fight of Our Lives  

In what areas of your life is the Lord calling you to stretch in?

Many times in our lives, God will give us dreams or visions that seem outside our realm of capability. God does not call us to dream realistic dreams that we know we can accomplish.  He calls us to dream big dreams because we serve a big God. In the middle, when it seems those dreams are not working out the way we planned, it can be easy to get stressed or discouraged. But stay the path because increased pressure can lead to increased capacity. 

1 Corinthians 2:9 says, “However, as it is written: ‘No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived the things God has prepared for those who love him.’” It is the Lord who backs up His promises. Even when things seem hopeless and full of despair, God is always faithful to do what He says He’s going to do. Our job is to trust Him along the way knowing that He will fulfill every dream, vision and purpose He has spoken to us. 

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묵상 소개

The Pound For Pound Principle

You've been called to the extraordinary, but how do you make the most of the gifts and talents God has given you? In this devotional, adapted from Pastor Mike Kai’s book “The Pound For Pound Principle,” you'll discover h...


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