Placing God First보기

Placing God First

4 중 2 일째

We need to place God first in everything we do. However, material things often take first place in our lives in such a way that sometimes these become our god. 

We need to trust in God with all our hearts and souls and not in man or our own abilities. In facing all of life’s circumstances, we must continue to believe, to pray and to put into practice the Word of God. Then he will keep us in good health and help us to prosper.

Our effectiveness in the work we do is determined by our wisdom – in other words, how we apply the knowledge we have. Wisdom means putting into practice all the theories and rules we have learned. Wisdom shapes our success and achievements in both home and work – it is the key to total success. Wisdom does not mean the knowledge of modern science, geography, or history. Wisdom and applied knowledge start with God. Wisdom will provide for your needs, bring you happiness and assure you a crown of glory in heaven. Wisdom is first of all about respecting and fearing God. 


For many people, their work comes first. But the effectiveness of our work depends on the priority that a development worker gives to God, who gives all-important wisdom. Wisdom that comes from God prolongs life, brings rewards and assures good health. It enables a person to grow and to achieve good results.

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묵상 소개

Placing God First

Being a disciple is about learning from Jesus. These Bible studies are designed to encourage people to reflect on depending on and obeying Jesus.
