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The Biblical Benefit Of Hindsight보기

The Biblical Benefit Of Hindsight

14 중 12 일째

Whilst our life in Christ is not a self-improvement course, nor is it akin to taking golf lessons with the purpose of getting ‘better’; we can sometimes feel like we’re not emulating Jesus’ life and commands any more today than we were when we first became Christians. We still sin, still have evil thoughts, still struggle to love our neighbour and so on. Yet Paul promises us that this is not the case. That through the power of the Holy Spirit dwelling in us, we are becoming more like Christ every day. And we know that we will be made complete in Christ on that final judgement day!

Do you ever feel like you’re ‘failing’ at being a Christian? That you’re not changing to be more Christ-like?

Pray: Dear Lord God, thank you that through the power of the Holy Spirit you are changing us every day to be more like Jesus. And help us to hold on to this each day as we seek to live as our Lord and Saviour commanded. Amen.

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