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Journal ~ Proverbs보기

Journal ~ Proverbs

30 중 8 일째


Anywhere we go or choose to live, we will find wicked people. Being a believer and a good follower of Christ does not shield us from encountering such people. They sweet talk us and promise us a lot. We're lure by their riches and success and overlook the wolf beneath their skin. 

Guarding us against such predators is Proverbs. There is so much danger out there and we need to get our hearts and our minds in the right place, guided and guarded by God's truth. Sometimes, we will face dark paths or difficult situation not by our own choosing. We live in a broken world and we live among broken people. There's no way we can escape the brokenness and darkness of this world. But, we're not without help. God’s wisdom and direction are available for us when we choose to listen and follow him only. 

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묵상 소개

Journal ~ Proverbs

Although the Proverbs seems like a loosely composed wisdom sayings, on a whole they actually present Christians with an opportunity to contemplate Christ who is wisdom in the flesh. The Proverbs that are selected invites...


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