Proverbs 3

The Blessing of Wisdom
1My son, don’t forget my teaching. Remember what I tell you to do. 2What I teach will give you a good, long life, and all will go well for you.
3Don’t ever let love and loyalty leave you. Tie them around your neck, and write them on your heart. 4Then God will be pleased and think well of you and so will everyone else.
5Trust the Lord completely, and don’t depend on your own knowledge. 6With every step you take, think about what he wants, and he will help you go the right way. 7Don’t trust in your own wisdom, but fear and respect the Lord and stay away from evil. 8If you do this, it will be like a refreshing drink and medicine for your body.
9Honor the Lord with your wealth and the first part of your harvest. 10Then your barns will be full of grain, and your barrels will be overflowing with wine.
11My son, don’t reject the Lord’s discipline, and don’t be angry when he corrects you. 12The Lord corrects the one he loves, just as a father corrects a child he cares about.
13Those who find wisdom are fortunate; they will be blessed when they gain understanding. 14Profit that comes from wisdom is better than silver and even the finest gold. 15Wisdom is worth more than fine jewels. Nothing you desire has more value.
16With her right hand, Wisdom offers long life—with the other hand, riches and honor. 17Wisdom will lead you to a life of joy and peace. 18Wisdom is like a life-giving tree to those who hold on to her; she is a blessing to those who keep her close.
19With wisdom and understanding, the Lord created the earth and sky. 20With his knowledge, he made the oceans and the clouds that produce rain.
21My son, don’t ever let wisdom out of your sight. Hold on to wisdom and careful planning. 22They will bring you a long life filled with honor. 23As you go through life, you will always be safe and never fall. 24When you lie down, you will not be afraid. When you rest, your sleep will be peaceful. 25You have no reason to fear a sudden disaster or the destruction that comes to the wicked. 26You can trust the Lord to protect you. He will not let you fall into harm.
27Do everything you possibly can for those who need help. 28If your neighbor needs something you have, don’t say, “Come back tomorrow.” Give it to him immediately.
29Don’t make plans to harm your neighbor, who lives near you and trusts you.#3:29 neighbor … trusts you Or “neighbor. After all, you live near one another for protection.”
30Don’t take people to court without good reason, especially when they have done nothing to harm you.
31Don’t envy those who are violent. Never choose to be like them. 32Such crooked people are disgusting to the Lord. But he is a friend to those who are good and honest.
33The Lord curses a wicked family, but he blesses the homes of those who live right.
34He will humiliate those who make fun of others, but he is kind to those who are humble.
35The way the wise live will bring them honor, but the way fools live will bring them shame.

선택된 구절:

Proverbs 3: ERV





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