Hope for Your Hard Daysಮಾದರಿ

Hope for Your Hard Days

DAY 5 OF 5

God Is Immutable

Sometimes I forget, Lord, that You are Immutable, Unchanging for all eternity…

With an exhausted wave of her hand, Mom bid me to call the Veteran’s Affairs Medical Clinic. It was time. We had no choice. Mom needed to get help to keep Dad home and herself healthy. His frailty, confusion, and memory loss had reached the point where Mom could no longer care for him without help. Looking from one parent to the other, my heart broke seeing the emotions play across their faces: Dad, forlorn and lost; Mom resigned and sad.

Dialing the number, I begged God for comfort and strength. No one could tell us how long Dad’s decline would continue before the Lord took Him home. All I could do then, all any of us can do in situations like that, is lean on God, trusting in His Sovereignty, Love, and Faithfulness. I breathed a prayer for Mom and Dad that they too would draw comfort and strength from Him.

Somewhere along the way, it seems many of us develop the wrong idea of what our lives should look like, especially as we age. After many long years of working and raising a family, we expect to relax in our latter years. However, those golden years are often fraught with health and financial issues. Aches and pains settle in to stay. Our walk turns into a shuffle. The independence we cherish gives way to needing help with previously easy things like walking and getting dressed, draining our pride and our bank accounts.

Whether our difficulties stem from age or other circumstances, we all eventually face undesirable circumstances. In our struggle, it can be hard to remember that the God we depended on in our healthier and easier years remains the God we can depend on in our more difficult seasons. He has not changed.

Regardless of what you see when you look at your life—the unexpected, the hard, the sad—be assured that it is not a mistake, that God will be with you through it, and that He still loves you with an Everlasting Love.

Sometimes I forget, Lord, that You are Immutable, staying the same for eternity. I forget that Your Nature does not shift with the winds. You don’t feel and act a certain way one day only to feel and act differently the next. Remind me that I can count on You to be as You always are—Loving, Just, Holy, Compassionate, Forgiving—and that in Your Immutability, I can trust all Your Promises and believe all I read in the Scriptures. I don’t fully comprehend why You allow the suffering You do, Lord, but help me remember that I can always trust You because You are the same yesterday, today, and forever!

Truth Reminder: I never need to doubt God’s Love for me or His Promises to me, because He remains the same yesterday, today, and for all the tomorrows.

Thank you for reading!

This Plan was adapted from Sometimes I Forget by Julie Sunne. Click here to learn more or purchase your copy.



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About this Plan

Hope for Your Hard Days

How do we hold on to hope when our world is falling apart? In these devotions from the book Sometimes I Forget, you’re invited to know God more intimately so you can trust Him more deeply. During the next five days, be reminded of God’s Incredible Attributes so you may find rest with the One whose very Nature promises hope!
