Hope for Your Hard Daysಮಾದರಿ

Hope for Your Hard Days

DAY 3 OF 5

God Is Self-Sufficient

Sometimes I forget, Lord, that You are Self-Sufficient, existing Independent of anyone or anything...

Before my feet hit the floor in the morning, my mind is running to complete my to-do list. Bible reading, prayer, ministry work, editing, garden work, food prep, house cleaning, laundry: I strive to make it all happen. No boredom here; there’s too much to do, and I think it’s all up to me.

But is it really? Who told me that? If I’m honest, my pride. I don’t want to look weak. I don’t want to let my people down. I don’t want to be seen as incompetent, undependable, or unworthy. Yet I run myself ragged chasing after everything without seeking God’s thing(s). I lose my joy as I seek the world’s accolades instead of God’s anointing. I miss out on the blessing of being as I bow to a doctrine of doing.

Many of us fall into the trap of thinking we are indispensable. It cripples our service to others and our worship of, and relationship to, the Lord. We errantly believe God needs us to do our part for His Plan to be enacted. Although such thinking is well intended, it falls short of the truth. God can use us (and will if we have a willing spirit), but He doesn’t need us.

God is the only One who is needed, the only One truly Self-Sufficient. He doesn’t need anyone or anything. Our service, our tithe, and our obedience serve a purpose for us, not Him. It’s true, the Lord does have a Plan. He does have a place for us to fulfill that Plan. But it’s important for us to remember that although God delights in us, His children, His Plan is not dependent on us.

It’s beautiful really! A critical characteristic we often overlook is God’s Self-Sufficiency means we can breathe a bit easier. It’s not up to us: His Plan will be fulfilled no matter how well we perform. And because He doesn’t depend on anything or anyone else, He never runs out of Grace, Mercy, Kindness, Power, Wisdom, Peace…. His Well never runs dry. His Abundance flows endlessly. Therefore, when we do step out to serve Him in obedience and love, not out of some skewed sense of “have to,” we don’t have to worry we won’t be enough or won’t have enough to do the tasks laid before us. God has all He needs, so He will be the Enough for us.

Sometimes I forget, Lord, that You are Self-Sufficient, existing Independent of anyone or anything, that You need no one, that You have all You need in Yourself. I forget that You can satisfy all our needs because Your Well of Goodness, Peace, Mercy, and Grace never dries up. Help me remember that You don’t need my help to fulfill Your Plan, although You do have a place in that Plan for me if I choose to step into it. You delight in me, Lord, not in what I can or cannot do. You are Perfectly Capable without me, but I desperately need You. Help me remember Your Sufficiency for when I do serve in love and obedience.

Truth Reminder: God doesn’t need me, so I can quit striving to be enough and instead rest in the truth that He delights in me.


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About this Plan

Hope for Your Hard Days

How do we hold on to hope when our world is falling apart? In these devotions from the book Sometimes I Forget, you’re invited to know God more intimately so you can trust Him more deeply. During the next five days, be reminded of God’s Incredible Attributes so you may find rest with the One whose very Nature promises hope!
