
One of the things I love the most about kids is they are the most honest people you can find. They have yet to learn the concept of living life with a filter and are completely unaware of when or how they are offending you. I have 4 nieces who always keep it all the way real with me when I have not requested their input. I remember the first time I ever bought black skinny jeans. I put them on and one of my nieces said,
“Why are you wearing leggings?”
I said, “They’re JEANS.”
She said, “Looks like leggings to me.”
She had a point.
When it comes to some of our closest relationships, I believe there are times when what we find offensive and destructive can actually be beneficial and constructive. If we are going to have successful careers, marriages, and lives, we must learn how to receive the truth without being offended by it.
Proverbs 27 says this:
“Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses.” Proverbs 27:6 (NIV)
The best way to receive honest feedback is by invitation-only. When criticism is uninvited, you will always be an open target to being offended. So one of the questions I often ask friends is this: What are some of my blind spots?
One of my friend’s responses was this…
“You have the ability to be the most engaging person in a room, and you also have the ability to be the most disengaging person in a room—and the room can feel it when you do either one.”
I could not be more grateful for his perspective because positive feedback is exactly what allows me to grow and become the best version of myself. The more unoffendable I become, the more I leave space for people to help me see what I can’t see on my own.
Who exists in your life that can tell you the truth?
About this Plan

The strategy of the enemy is to put distance between us and the people we love the most, one offense at a time. UnOffendable is an outline of how God can use the things in life that have hurt us the most, to shape our confidence and help us become the people we’ve always wanted to be. Being unoffendable isn’t about never getting offended. It’s about not staying offended.