

DAY 10 OF 10


One of the side effects of offense is that it can cause you to live a life where you avoid doing anything that can solicit offense. You don’t dream anymore because the last time you did, someone said something offensive. Whatever they said replays in your mind anytime you even think about pursuing a dream. 

I often wonder about the amount of mental and spiritual barriers Peter must have had to get over before he walked on water. What will the disciples think of him? What if he drowns? 

Those barriers were overcome by the curiosity of who he could be and what he could do. This curiosity led him stepping out of his comfort and stepping into the unknown. 

Yes, Peter almost drowned. 

Yes, Jesus saved him. 

Yes, Peter had his doubts. 

Yes, Peter should not have had his eyes on the winds and waves and should have fixed his eyes on Jesus. 

Yes, Peter should have had more faith and less doubt in his best friend. 

But don’t miss the best part of the story for Peter. Peter walked an unknown amount of feet to Jesus and almost drowned. And we know the storm did not cease until they both got back into the boat. So what we can conclude from this is… Jesus and Peter walked back through the storm together. 

Peter got something in the deep water he could not get in the safety of the boat: a walk to remember. 

Peter had every logical reason to play small, but where would his logic have gotten him? Where is it getting you? Every offense you have ever experienced was designed to keep you in the boat. Whatever you do, don’t allow offenses to make you play small. My hope and prayer is that you would not allow past hurts to keep you from future dreams. My hope and prayer is that you would forgive the people who have offended you already, and the people in your future who inevitably will. My hope and prayer is that there would be a moment in your life where you and Jesus have a walk to remember. And no matter how bad the storm, I pray…you would never walk through any storm…without Jesus. 

ದೇವರ ವಾಕ್ಯ

ದಿನ 9

About this Plan


The strategy of the enemy is to put distance between us and the people we love the most, one offense at a time. UnOffendable is an outline of how God can use the things in life that have hurt us the most, to shape our confidence and help us become the people we’ve always wanted to be. Being unoffendable isn’t about never getting offended. It’s about not staying offended. 
