TheLionWithin.Us: Is There Honor in All Jobs?ಮಾದರಿ

TheLionWithin.Us: Is There Honor in All Jobs?

DAY 2 OF 3


Construction sites always fascinate me.

From the time that equipment begins moving dirt, to cornerstones of foundation, all the way to the finished product, each step is crucial for success. In fact when you look at all of the moving pieces it takes to complete a project of such magnitude it seems as yet another example where others are using their talents to do what He desires.

Hebrews 3:4 tells us “For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything.” It would be easy to look at this and say, “I don’t build houses so how does it apply to me? To fully understand at the root level that we are all made in the image of God. Knowing that to be true, then perhaps each of us have an ability to build amazing things to glorify Him.

This could be builders of manufacturing plants, websites, farms, engineering firms, and the list goes on and on. Just as in the house example, each of us has a role in building what God has called us to do. Your role may be in sales, marketing, operations, safety, HR, government, and it is critical to remember that when you are faithfully using the talents He provides to build on the heavenly calling, that is living a life of greater purpose.

Questions to Consider:

  1. How are you pursuing your heavenly calling by building what God has called you to do?
  2. In what ways are you not using the talents God has provided to build what you know He desires and what is a step you can take today to begin walking towards that in your career?


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TheLionWithin.Us: Is There Honor in All Jobs?

Can there be honor in work that is not “ministry”? In Hebrews we see that we are partakers of a heavenly calling, which leads to an interesting idea, perhaps, our talents are an invitation to faithfully build what God desires with a mission of serving others. In fact, we are going to unpack these concepts to help build your confidence in whatever He calls you to pursue.
