Know Love Like This: 21 Days of Discovering God's Heart for Youಮಾದರಿ

Know Love Like This: 21 Days of Discovering God's Heart for You

DAY 10 OF 21

Dad’s Whistle

by Dana Stone

“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life,and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand.” –John 10:27–28 (NIV)

My husband and I have four children, and we’ve always been a very close-knit, active family. In our kids’ younger years, we were constantly on the move between sports, school events, and many family activities and trips. Trying to keep up with all of them was challenging! If we were watching one child in a game, the others would often wander off to play with other kids; if we were on vacation, they would sometimes get ahead of us or lag behind us, blissfully unaware of their surroundings. Like most kids, they sometimes resembled sheep, aimlessly wandering from place to place, with no real destination in mind.

We did our best to keep an eye on them, but we didn’t always succeed. When those moments happened, there was always one thing that would get our children’s attention within mere seconds: Daddy’s whistle. This wasn’t a shiny silver metal whistle that coaches use. This whistle was made the old-fashioned way: two fingers in his mouth. My husband’s whistle is so loud, sharp, and distinct, our kids recognize it instantly.

We could be around hundreds of people with noise everywhere, and all my husband had to do was whistle one time, and our kids would immediately turn to look for him. Because of the deep connection they had with him and the trust he’d established with them, they recognized the importance of giving their full attention to his whistle. They understood that his whistle signified three things: information, instruction, and safety. They knew that when Dad whistled, he needed to tell them something, he needed to correct something, or he was keeping them safe from something. As the shepherd to our little “flock,” his whistle brought stability and security because they knew he would always lead them to safe pastures.

Did you know you can experience that same stability and security in your own life? You can be confident you will be led to safe pastures? In John 10, Jesus told the story of a good shepherd and the sheep that follow his voice. Jesus said, “The one who enters by the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice” (John 10:2–4 NIV). Jesus is our Good Shepherd, and He longs for us—His sheep—to hear, recognize, and follow His voice.

My kids knew my husband’s whistle because they spent time with him. When we commit to walking in a covenant relationship with Jesus, we will learn how to recognize His voice too. Our trust and faith in His voice grow and deepen by reading His Word, staying in conversation with Him through prayer, and leaning into the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

As our relationship with the Lord matures, we also acquire the ability to discern between the Shepherd’s voice and the voice of the thief, who “comes only to steal and kill and destroy” (John 10:10 NIV). Satan wants nothing more than to fill our life with so much confusion and chaos that it robs us of the ability to hear the Father’s voice. But Jesus’ voice speaks love, peace, and purpose. It silences the lies of the enemy and allows His truth to bring freedom, hope, and joy to our souls.

Like my husband’s whistle called our kids to come to him, the Good Shepherd is constantly calling His sheep to follow Him and experience a life so full and so free that nothing can pull us away from His side. Can you hear Him? He’s calling your name. Draw near to Him, follow His voice, and He will lead you to safe pastures.


Father, thank You for being my Good Shepherd. I desire to hear Your voice more clearly and walk more closely with You. Holy Spirit, open my ears to Your wisdom and guidance so I can overcome the lies of the enemy and stand firm in the truth that You will lead me to safe pastures, here on earth and for all eternity. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

For Further Reflection

  • Read John 10 and write down all the characteristics of the Good Shepherd, what He does for His sheep, and how His sheep respond to His voice.
  • Set a few minutes aside each day and ask God to speak to you. Practice hearing His voice and write down what He says to you.
  • What is the Holy Spirit saying to you about the importance of recognizing and following His voice?

Holy Spirit, what are you saying to me?

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About this Plan

Know Love Like This: 21 Days of Discovering God's Heart for You

God’s love for you is unconditional, inescapable, and unstoppable. The apostle John understood this love, and it changed his life. As you read each day of this 21-day devotional along with the Gospel of John, you'll discover there is no love like Jesus’ love for you, and you'll know His love in your heart.
