Know Love Like This: 21 Days of Discovering God's Heart for Youಮಾದರಿ

Know Love Like This: 21 Days of Discovering God's Heart for You

DAY 14 OF 21

Break Me Off a Peace of That . . .

By Bridgette Morris

“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”–John 14:26–27

As you read the title, I’m guessing you finished that famous chocolate bar jingle.

Not too long ago, I saw that my son had one of those candy bars, so I sang the jingle, stuck out my hand, and asked if I could have some of it. I could immediately see his hesitation and the internal questions arising: Do I give up my chocolate? I love my mom, but giving her some means I won’t have the whole thing to myself? With reservation, he slowly broke off a small part of the chocolate and handed it over with a sheepish grin, knowing it was a half-hearted offering.

Sometimes I wonder if this is how we think Jesus responds to us when we ask Him for His peace. Do we see Him as stingy or even annoyed, like “You need my peace . . . again”? Let me assure you, Jesus does not feel that way toward you. He loves you and wants to give you everything you need for who He’s called you to be and what He’s called you to do.

The Bible tells the story about a time when Jesus went out on a boat with some of His disciples and they ended up in a storm. As the storm rages, Jesus is somehow fast asleep while His disciples are all but losing their minds over the situation. They are stunned and, frankly, appalled that Jesus seems so uncaring—He’s sleeping through the chaos! When I read the words Jesus spoke in John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you,” that scene of Jesus sleeping in the boat while a storm rages overhead is what I picture. I imagine being in a chaotic situation, and God’s peace so enveloping me that I’m able to sleep soundly through the situation and not stress.

The dictionary defines peace as “freedom from disturbance” or “a state or period in which there is no war or a war has ended.” But God’s peace is not the same as the world’s peace; it is so much more. God’s peace is a blanket of trust and confidence in Him that completely wraps around us no matter what turmoil is happening in our lives. The peace Jesus gives us is His peace. It’s not a break in the war; it’s being in a war and knowing that God is so in control and loves you so much that no matter what happens, He will walk with you to the other side, and you will be okay in the end.

Storms and wars can play out in all kinds of ways in our lives. A storm can be a season of illness or recovery. A war can involve praying in faith that a child or spouse will come back to the Lord or make good decisions. Storms and wars are part of life. That’s why 1 Peter 4:12 says not to be shocked or surprised as if something strange is happening when you face trials in this life. They’re simply part of our lives as humans and especially as Christians. James 1:2 and 1:12 both talk about enduring troubled times, too. But it’s in John 14 that Jesus gives us the key to peace in the midst of trials: the Holy Spirit. God has given us His Spirit to comfort and guide us as we go through the storms and wars of life.

Has someone ever given you something out of obligation? Maybe you got less than what was agreed upon or were told you would receive? Maybe it felt like a tiny smashed portion of a chocolate bar? Listen, God gives not as the world gives. What He gives is perfect. Not only that, He gives us His very best. He gave us His only Son as a Savior! He made a way for us to have relationship with Him, and He gave us the Helper and Comforter to be with us in hard times. Our part is to accept the gift of the Holy Spirit and wrap ourselves in His comfort and peace.

Are there any areas of your life where you’re in a war or in the middle of a storm? Is your life in a tornadic uproar? Are things just a bit unruly? I want to encourage and challenge you to assess your life and see if there are any areas where you’re not accessing the peace of God. Are there any places in your life where you’re not allowing the Holy Spirit to have full access?

Open your heart fully to Him. He is in control, no matter what storm is raging around you. The world cannot offer you the kind of peace you need. God, however, is offering a blanket of His supernatural comfort and peace to you today. Will you accept it?


Heavenly Father, I give You full control of my life. I submit myself to You, and I submit my trials and stressful situations to You. I give you my worry, grief, anxiety, frustration, [add any other feelings you may have], and I receive Your Holy Spirit as my peace and comfort today. Thank You for loving me and giving me everything I need. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

For Further Reflection

  • Write down two or three areas that are troubling you today. Ask the Holy Spirit to exchange your anxious heart for His peace.
  • Take a moment to invite the Holy Spirit into your day. Perhaps write out a verse about peace, journal your prayers to Him, sing a worship song, or simply sit in solitude with Him.

Holy Spirit, what are you saying to me?

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About this Plan

Know Love Like This: 21 Days of Discovering God's Heart for You

God’s love for you is unconditional, inescapable, and unstoppable. The apostle John understood this love, and it changed his life. As you read each day of this 21-day devotional along with the Gospel of John, you'll discover there is no love like Jesus’ love for you, and you'll know His love in your heart.
