Swipe Right: The Life and Death Power of Sex and Romance ಮಾದರಿ

Swipe Right: The Life and Death Power of Sex and Romance

DAY 11 OF 12

Breaking the Fourth Wall

When an actor or performer directly acknowledges the audience or looks into the camera, it is referred to as “breaking the fourth wall” or “breaking character.” For example, when Jim on The Office smirks into the camera after Michael or Dwight do something crazy, or when Ferris Bueller talks to us through the camera, narrating his own movie, they are breaking the fourth wall.

At its essence, to break the fourth wall is to stop pretending that you are by yourself, to admit you are being watched, and to acknowledge your audience.

Your goal in life should be to do exactly that: to tear down the wall, ending the false separation between yourself and God and embracing the fact that everything we do is being watched. But—this is where it gets really mind-blowing—just as God is where you are going to be, he is also still where you just were.

God isn’t just one step ahead of you, beating you there; he is also still where you aren’t while simultaneously being where you are presently. You have never not been with God. Not for one second have you been alone. Even if, like Moses, you zigged when you should have zagged, God is still with you and still wants to draw near to you. His presence is not based on your performance. He is always with you, because that’s who he is, not because of anything you have or haven’t done. The things behind you are no match for the one who is with you.

Your life will take on and tap into new meaning, significance, and strength to the degree that you learn to look into the camera and acknowledge God’s presence in your life. His presence is a benefit only if you remember it, cultivate it, and lean into it.

One of the most repeated commands in scripture is “Remember,” because it is so easy to forget. Whisper to God each morning, “I know that you are here. I know you are with me.” Say it when you are afraid or tempted. Say it when you are angry or disappointed. Let it become your release valve when you are ashamed. Run to him, not from him. Memory will help alter your story.

Take a moment to acknowledge God’s presence. Say out loud, “I know you are here” and be still.

Remember: You have never, even for one second, been apart from God.

ದಿನ 10ದಿನ 12

About this Plan

Swipe Right: The Life and Death Power of Sex and Romance

There is life and death power in sex and romance. You are destined for impact and you have the ability to protect your future by living carefully right now. This 12-day devotional based on Swipe Right by Levi Lusko goes through scripture and real life examples to help you train today for the relationship you want tomorrow.
