Swipe Right: The Life and Death Power of Sex and Romance ಮಾದರಿ

Swipe Right: The Life and Death Power of Sex and Romance

DAY 10 OF 12

Date Your Mate or the Devil Will Find Somebody Who Will

Every summer I take my family on a camping trip to Glacier National Park. We pencil it in on our calendar months ahead of time as our annual “Luskos in the wild” expedition. Planning vacations, romantic getaways, and even date nights protects them from being just good intentions that get swallowed up by busyness.

You will never find time for the most important things in life; you must make time. Marriage must be approached the way you make a fire when camping: What takes a spark to ignite requires diligent effort to maintain. They don’t flourish on their own, and left to themselves, they will dwindle down to ash. Fuel must be constantly added in order to achieve a powerful fire. Relationships are not turnkey or maintenance-free.

Great marriages require a constant infusion of commitment, tears, and lots and lots of forgiveness. I also happen to agree with Dr. Dre, who once said, “Clear communication. Respect. A lot of laughter. And a lot of orgasms. That’s what makes a marriage work.” Right on all points! After all Jennie and I have been through and fought through and prayed through, out of sheer laziness I would never for a moment consider divorce. Jennie and I have endured a marriage storm that, statistically speaking, should have done us in. Often when parents have to bury a child, the relationship often doesn’t survive. I write this with all humility, giving all glory to God: Jennie’s and my marriage, while not without its issues, is better and stronger today than it’s ever been. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: If she ever leaves me, I’m going with her!

Date night is sacred and replenishing. You will be able to pull wine out of your marriage to the extent that you pour water into it. God can’t bless what you don’t offer him. Sow sparingly, reap sparingly. And trust me when I say this: If you don’t date your mate, the devil will find someone who will. No one can stop you from having a marriage that’s incredible; you just have to fill your pots to the brim with the water of love, generosity, forgiveness, time, affection, communication, and intimacy. Maybe you don’t have a marriage problem. It might be you have a soul problem. Give your heart to Jesus and walk in relationship with him. You’ll never be right with your mate until you’re right with your Maker.

Questions to ask yourself:

  • If married - am I making time for my spouse and investing in our marriage? If dating or engaged - am I practicing these habits now so they will be second nature in marriage one day?
  • How full are your pots of love, generosity, forgiveness, time, affection, communication, and intimacy?
  • Check out 5 Date Night Ideas from Pastor Levi and Jennie Lusko for additional resources.

Remember: You’ll never be right with your mate until you’re right with your Maker.


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About this Plan

Swipe Right: The Life and Death Power of Sex and Romance

There is life and death power in sex and romance. You are destined for impact and you have the ability to protect your future by living carefully right now. This 12-day devotional based on Swipe Right by Levi Lusko goes through scripture and real life examples to help you train today for the relationship you want tomorrow.
