

DAY 3 OF 30

Have you ever had moments where you start to doubt if God truly loves you or could really use you to advance His kingdom? I know I have in the past. If that is you right now, I want you to take a moment to reread this passage slowly. The Word of God is true and does not return void. So if it says that God chose you in advance, then He CHOSE you in advance! How amazing is it to know that He was thinking about you before you were even born - thinking about His purpose for your life? This is something that has always comforted me each time I have read this passage.

Now, I understand it can be difficult for some of us to really believe these words because of the mistakes we have made in the past or feeling like we haven’t been following Jesus long enough. I want you to know that those kinds of thoughts are only lies that come from the enemy. He is going to do anything in his power to sway you to think the opposite of what God truly says. You see, if God has been thinking about you before you were born, then you better believe that the moment you put your faith in Jesus and made Him Lord of your life, He was ready to use you immediately to advance His Kingdom. Romans 3:23-24 says “For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. Yet God, in his grace, freely makes us right in His sight.” We have all fallen short of God’s glory, but because of Jesus you were made right with God and He identified you as His own. His child! I want you to believe that you are not too broken to be used by God or too late to walk out the plan He has for your life. YOU ARE CHOSEN! So live your life with confidence knowing that you are God’s own and that He will equip you for the mission He has for your life!

Prayer Points

  • Ask Jesus to help you see yourself as He sees you
  • Continue to ask Jesus to reveal the plans He has for you. That He would give you opportunities to advance His Kingdom.
  • Take time to thank Jesus for your life and for giving us the Holy Spirit to dwell in us
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About this Plan


This 30-day devotion will take you through the entire book of Ephesians. In Ephesians, we see the fullness of the Gospel and what it means for our lives.
