

DAY 5 OF 30

Having been raised from the dead, Jesus is now seated in the heavenly realm at the right hand of God. The right hand of God does not necessarily denote a physical location, but in this passage, it rather signifies the power that has been bestowed upon Him. Within these verses, we see the power and authority that has been given to Jesus, a natural and supernatural power that encompasses all beings and creatures alike, and everything must now submit to the name of Jesus. John Calvin writes, “He has been appointed by the Father to be the sole dispenser of all blessings. For these reasons, we shall find our advantage in directing our views to Christ, that in him, as in a mirror, we may see the glorious treasures of Divine grace, and the immeasurable greatness of that power, which has not yet been manifested in ourselves.”

Most people see submitting in terms of losing and giving up something, but Calvin says that our submission is actually our advantage! That’s why Jesus says in Matthew 16:24b “those who lose their life for my sake will find it.” This is also why Paul in Philippians 3 says “everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus.” There is nothing more important in this life, on this side of eternity than receiving Jesus not only as Savior, for that deals with eternity, but receiving him as Lord, for that deals with the here and now.

So we are called to submit to Jesus. Now what does that look like, and how does this power manifest itself in our daily lives? We are to play a part in the Church. Dietrich Bonhoeffer writes, “Christianity means community in Jesus Christ and through Jesus Christ. No Christian community is more or less than this.” The Church is the Body of Christ, and Jesus is the head. We are not a one-man show, but we are a group of people united in the knowledge of the death and resurrection of Jesus. We humbly play the part that has been assigned to us.

We are the hands and feet of Christ, as so stated here and in 1 Corinthians 12. Biologically, the feet can only go where the head sends it, but the head can only go where the feet take it. This also applies spiritually to the Body of Christ. If we wish to see Jesus move in this world, if we wish to see the Kingdom of Heaven advance then we must take Jesus to those places. We go where He sends us, carrying the knowledge and power of Christ wherever we go. We are to act in the power and authority that has been given to us. We are to advance the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth in and through His power.

Prayer Points

  • Thank God for sending his Son to die on the cross for us and give Him praise
  • Submit your life and your decisions to Him
  • Pray to find a good local church and for how to get involved in advancing His kingdom
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About this Plan


This 30-day devotion will take you through the entire book of Ephesians. In Ephesians, we see the fullness of the Gospel and what it means for our lives.
