Transformed by Truthಮಾದರಿ

Transformed by Truth

DAY 2 OF 12

The Truth About Loving Yourself

Young Christians can easily be their own worst enemies at times by consistently beating themselves down for their failures. Oftentimes, we try to live as perfectionists in a fallen world by dotting every “i” and crossing every “t”, only to ultimately fall short in the end. Eventually, we hit a breaking point when we realize that no matter how hard we try, we will never be good enough. The enemy wants us to think that our worth is tied to our success, which is simply not the case. It’s true that we will never be good enough on our own… but we know that we are made in the image of God and his power is made perfect in weakness! So while our faults may make us look weak in the eyes of man, God only sees an opportunity to use us for his glory. He loves us and wants to use us despite our flaws!

If the God of the universe, who knows no sin, can love a sinner like you unconditionally, then why can’t you do the same for yourself? My hope is that you will let go of your desire to be perfect and take on an attitude of humility and grace, choosing to love yourself each day despite your imperfections. I know from first-hand experience the immense weight that will be lifted off of your shoulders if you choose to do this. Spending time in God’s word can help you to better understand his love for you, which will naturally begin to influence how you treat yourself. When you see yourself through God’s eyes, you don’t have to constantly worry about being perfect all the time. You get to take your focus off of yourself and start channeling all of that mental energy on loving others! God desires for you to love yourself just as you are and also respect yourself enough to want to strive to be more like Jesus.

Pray - Ask God to help you see yourself through his eyes so that you may show yourself the same level of grace and love that he has for you.

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About this Plan

Transformed by Truth

One of Satan’s greatest tactics is to make people feel like they are all alone in their doubts, fears, and temptations. This devotional highlights the truth about some common areas within the Christian walk that young women might struggle with. In 12 days, you will learn to recognize the lies that Satan tells you and know the truth that is found in Christ. You may even find that you aren’t as alone in your struggles as you think you are.
