Transformed by Truthಮಾದರಿ

Transformed by Truth

DAY 5 OF 12

The Truth About Your Time

Too often I find myself feeling like a failure at the end of the day because in my mind I did not manage my time “well enough." I may have run out of time to go to the gym that day, I may have accidentally fallen asleep while studying, or I may have missed my morning quiet time with God. In these moments, I have to remind myself that life is far too unpredictable for anyone to be able to manage their time perfectly. What matters most is not how well you manage your time, it’s what you do with the time you are given. God gave us our time here on earth as a gift. If you truly want to use it for his glory, then you are going to have to give up your control over it.

So maybe instead of focusing on how I failed myself by skipping the gym, I can be proud of myself for the vulnerable conversation that I had with my mentor at lunch that day. When you give your time over to God, you have to accept that things aren’t always going to go your way. You have to trust that his plan is better than your own!

As young women with busy schedules, it can be very easy to fall into a habit of going through the motions of our daily lives by simply checking off boxes on our to-do lists. God did not intend for us to live life this way. He desires for us to give him our time so that he may take it and use it to complete his work. He wants us to be intentional in everything that we do! When you try to hold on to all of your time and manage it on your own, you will only find yourself feeling overwhelmed and defeated. But when you surrender your time to the Lord’s will, he will use every bit of it for his glory!


Lie: I am a failure because I struggle to manage my time well.

Truth: My time on earth is a gift, and God is still working in me and using me even in the moments that don’t happen according to my plan.

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About this Plan

Transformed by Truth

One of Satan’s greatest tactics is to make people feel like they are all alone in their doubts, fears, and temptations. This devotional highlights the truth about some common areas within the Christian walk that young women might struggle with. In 12 days, you will learn to recognize the lies that Satan tells you and know the truth that is found in Christ. You may even find that you aren’t as alone in your struggles as you think you are.
