Riding Solo: Life to the Full Minus Your Plus-Oneಮಾದರಿ

Riding Solo: Life to the Full Minus Your Plus-One

DAY 2 OF 7

God Is My Coach

The million-dollar question is… do you trust your coach?

When you trust your coach, you’ll do strange exercises because they say it will improve your fitness. When you trust your coach, you’ll be willing to completely change how you train for the next match. When you trust your coach, you’ll expect to become fitter and stronger… after all, that's what your coach is for.

We would never let a random person with no experience or knowledge come and tell us what to do. We would be foolish to trust someone like this and expect great results.

So what kind of coach do you think God is?

  • When it comes to my life, is He qualified to share His wisdom?
  • Does He have a prosperous plan for me?
  • Does He want the best for me?

If the answer to all the questions above is a hard ‘yes,’ then great. Today we can rest assured knowing we are in the safest of hands. Even if riding solo has its ups and downs (as does marriage), we can find comfort in pursuing the prosperous plans God has laid out for us.

Take some time today to share the desires of your heart with God, write them down, pray, whatever comes to you. If it feels uncomfortable, that’s good; it probably means you're stretching out of your comfort zone. Ask God for discernment; we also want Him to be excited about this plan (Proverbs 4:5-6).

If it was hard to answer ‘yes’ to any of the questions above, that’s ok; you’re in safe hands. God can handle our doubts. Take some time to consider why you feel unsure, and then spend time after reminding yourself of what's true through God’s word.

E.g., I am not sure if God understands how discouraged I feel right now. Read about God’s compassionate character in Psalm 91.

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About this Plan

Riding Solo: Life to the Full Minus Your Plus-One

Two-for-one cinema tickets; buy-one-get-one-free pizza deals: the world can seem prone to partnership. Yet God’s plan for us isn't hindered by a missing plus-one. In fact, He loves it! Whether you’re growing weary or bright-eyed about dating, our perspective of being single can hugely affect our journey. It's time to align with God’s word and let Him take the wheel.
