What Film Is Playing on Your Screen?ಮಾದರಿ

What Film Is Playing on Your Screen?

DAY 5 OF 5

Have you become so engulfed in completing your responsibilities that you are often left wondering, “Where did the time go?” “Why haven’t I been able to [insert dream not achieved]?

You might feel like you’re stuck in a valley. Valleys are circumstances that make us feel like we’re carrying the whole world on our shoulders. But, unfortunately, these are times in our lives when nothing seems to be going right.

You may feel like you have been walking miles and miles for days, months, or even years without seeing a path that will take you to the mountaintop. I know we all hate going through valleys. However, valleys are just as important as making it to the mountaintop. God uses this “downtime” as an opportunity to teach us lessons in life that will prepare us for our blessings. If we spend our time in the valley obtaining Christ’s attributes, our obstacles are worth the struggle.

Once we ascend to the top of the mountain, we have the privilege of looking down on our valleys. We can see and understand why God told us to take a specific path in life. Looking down at my valleys, I can see the unnecessary harm or delays I would have caused myself had I disobeyed God’s word.

God will always leverage our good and bad situations to teach us lessons He knows we need to learn to live an extraordinary life. My valleys motivated me to deepen my relationship with Christ by trusting Him. I know that I can do all things through Christ (Philippians 4:13). There’s no more incredible feeling in the world than conquering your problems with God.

When you align your plans with God, a life full of would’ve, could’ve, or should’ve can easily be avoided. However, if you fail to think about what you want to accomplish, you will feel like you missed out on life.

Regardless; of how busy you are, you must take time to decide which film you want to play next. You have to make sure your imagination will not hinder you from enjoying one of the most sought-after films many should and need to add to their collection—success.

Journal Prompt

Are you currently in a valley? What steps will you take to conquer your problems to achieve success?

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