What Film Is Playing on Your Screen?ಮಾದರಿ

What Film Is Playing on Your Screen?

DAY 4 OF 5


If frustration is left unchecked, it will mutate into worry. Once we get into the worry stage of Satan’s entourage of negative emotions, we reject Christ’s Kingdom to cross over to Satan’s world. There is no reason to worry when you’re in Christ’s Kingdom. (Matthew 6:25-34). Newly converted Christians might express concern when things go wrong. However, seasoned Christians know they must catch themselves before anxiety evolves into worry.

Allowing our distorted emotions to take control of our life destroys our faith, derailing our relationship with Christ. Christians walk by faith. They know that God will cause all things to work together for their good (Romans 8:28). If we are truly walking by faith, we will not allow our distorted emotions to control our thought life and derail our peace and happiness. “The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”(Philippians 4:8). This is why Christians can have peace amid their problems.

To experience Christ’s peace, we must identify which master we are truly serving, Christ or Satan (1 Peter 3:13, Matthew 6:24). We examine our lifestyle by comparing it to God’s word. This way, we can see if our life aligns with Christ. Then, when problems arrive, you know there is no reason to panic. Instead, knowing you are with Christ will help us have a calm and wise approach to our problems.

We do not focus on instant gratification. Instead, we allow patience to rule our thought life. Patience will enable us to see why God allowed that problem in our life. Issues are often permitted to help us develop whatever attributes of Christ we need to align our souls to Him. For example, patience is an attribute of Christ that will strengthen us so we can work within God’s timing. We need to develop patience because whenever we go outside God’s timing, we delay and even derail our destiny, which is God’s plan and purpose for our life.

To experience the abundant life Christ came to give us, we must obtain and maintain Christ’s attributes. Patience is one of the many attributes we must seek to possess and works closely with faith. Having these two attributes working within our thought life helps us see God’s presence in and throughout our life. Patience allows us to develop the confidence we need to wait on God. In doing so, we will know God is with us and is willing to help us overcome whatever obstacles Satan sets in our path.

Journal Prompt

What attributes of Christ do you need to incorporate into your life?

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