Courageous Choices Part 1ಮಾದರಿ

Courageous Choices Part 1

DAY 4 OF 5


40 years after Joshua and Caleb failed to convince the people to boldly move forward into the promised land, Joshua now stands as their leader. And he is ready to obediently lead the people into their inheritance. So why does God remind him to not be afraid nor discouraged [dismayed]?

Perhaps because he was 40 years older. Perhaps because leading the Israelites was exhausting (they were known to complain at times!). Perhaps because the people he was leading would be facing their first real battles. Perhaps he knew he was a flawed man and an imperfect leader. Even Moses was unable to enter the Promised Land because of his sin!

Like fear, discouragement is a real enemy. When you’re tired, when you’ve failed, when your hard work produces less than perfect results, when you feel alone, discouragement is bound to creep in. It whispers in your ear- “What if I can’t do this? What if I blow it? What will people think? What happens if this doesn’t work out?”And suddenly, where you were bold and courageous yesterday, you’re now shaken and overwhelmed. This happens to everyone. It happened to Moses, Joshua, King David, the disciples, and Christians throughout the centuries.

But God is with you wherever you go. He will not leave you or forsake you. You are never alone.

Ask Yourself:

-How does discouragement creep up on me?

-What truths from God will help me overcome discouragement?

Pause to Pray: Lord, yesterday I felt stronger, but today the fear and discouragement are whispering lies in my ear. Speak your truth to my heart and mind…

Take a Next Step:

-Write down truths that will overcome the lies of discouragement. For example- I AM NEVER ALONE. GOD IS WITH ME.

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About this Plan

Courageous Choices Part 1

The road of life is marked by a series of decision points, and at each crossroads we must make a choice. Will we make courageous choices or cowardly choices? In this 4-part plan, we’ll explore the crossroads that Joshua faced as he led the Israelites into the Promised Land and learn from him how to obey God in the big and small decisions of everyday life.
