Survival of the Faithfulಮಾದರಿ

Survival of the Faithful

DAY 5 OF 6

Surviving Hardships

Some believe life is great as long as everything appears to be going as planned. We can celebrate and praise God when all things are good, but what happens when a monkey wrench gets thrown into your plans? One you are not prepared for? Do you still have the strength and desire to praise God, even when you are going through it?

We call the struggles of life, hardships and yes, they are bound to happen. Jesus said, "In this world, you will have many trials. But take heart! I have overcome the world." (John 16:33) How many of you believe this statement is true but still struggle to stand strong in your faith in your challenging season? Well, it's completely understandable. God sent His one and only son to appear on earth in physical form so He, too, could experience life, as we do today. Because of His sacrifice, we can find hope and joy in knowing Christ can relate to us in more ways than one.

Hardships come in many forms: financial, mental, emotional, physical, etc. When life's barriers occur, we tend to ask why we have to go through such triumph. How do you ever expect to share your testimony to a challenging test that you never had to experience? We grow in life by the things we go through. They make us stronger, wiser, better and have faith like no other. Through each trying season, you can rest assured our Savior walks right alongside us.

God says not to be afraid or discouraged during your trials. He is in the midst and interceding on your behalf every step of the way. You just have to trust in Him. Once you let go, it is imperative you allow Him to have His way. Our Heavenly Father is ALWAYS present! ALL knowing and ALL powerful! These qualities should give you hope that you can overcome any trial the devil tries to send your way.

As a child of the Most High King, I believe you CAN and WILL victoriously pull through this season! Tell me, how does it feel to be on Day 5 of your journey and realize you truly are one of God's strongest warriors?!

Well, give Him your highest praise because He is ready to utilize you in some miraculous ways!


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About this Plan

Survival of the Faithful

Do you have the survival skills to overcome adversity that comes your way? You may get knocked down a bit, but "faithful" warriors of God get back up and continue to persevere forward, knowing a victorious ending is near! God equips us with tools to help conquer anything the Devil tries to destroy. Natasha shares a few survival tips to help get you through this season of your life!
