Survival of the Faithfulಮಾದರಿ

Survival of the Faithful

DAY 3 OF 6

Surviving Insecurities

In today’s world, insecurity has caused many to lose sight of the beauty that is God’s creation. YOU! We may put on a “perfect” image, yet underneath it all is hurt, pain, fear, shame, and many other insecurities. We strive to meet the unrealistic expectation of others out of fear of being judged or left out. Not trusting who we are is a beautiful masterpiece within itself. God is not looking for perfection in us. He is interested in our progression, and as Christians, this is something we will forever work on.

In Genesis 1, God began creating the world, and when He created humans, He intentionally created them in His image. When all was said and done, God said it was all GOOD, and that, my loves, includes YOU!

Whatever you feel you need to fix in life, do so according to what is pleasing to God and your heart, not to be validated by others. God is not impressed by our material things. God measures our faith, obedience, and love for Him by our hearts. If you could look inside your heart now, what would God say about you?

As you evaluate yourself, know that God plans to use your every imperfection. Don’t be ashamed of who you are because whose you are has a purpose! The minute you accept who you are, you will see that what you view as a mess will one day turn out to be your message, to lead others to Christ!

So hang in there, my fellow brothers and sisters! You have survived many things, and insecurity can be another one of them! God will use your weakness to prove His power and showcase your strength.

Today’s Assignment:

List what you feel is an imperfection. Declare you are a beautiful masterpiece because God says you are. Now wad it up, then trash it! Next, take a sticky note, write positive affirmations or qualities about yourself and post them everywhere you can see them! Recite them with confidence every day!

Moving forward, negative talk of yourself will not grace your lips. Worldly views no longer define you but instead are defined by who God says you are! You thought your insecurity would defeat you, but guess what, my love, you are STILL surviving! Day 3 in the books!

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About this Plan

Survival of the Faithful

Do you have the survival skills to overcome adversity that comes your way? You may get knocked down a bit, but "faithful" warriors of God get back up and continue to persevere forward, knowing a victorious ending is near! God equips us with tools to help conquer anything the Devil tries to destroy. Natasha shares a few survival tips to help get you through this season of your life!
